“Quando você corta as árvores, agride os espíritos de nossos ancestrais. Ao procurar minerais, você perfura o coração da Terra…”

Foto: Ricardo Stuckert « série Índios Brasileiros » 

“Quando você corta as árvores, agride os espíritos de nossos ancestrais. Ao procurar minerais, você perfura o coração da Terra. E quando você derrama venenos na terra e nos rios, produtos químicos agrícolas e mercúrio das minas de ouro, você enfraquece os espíritos, plantas, animais e a própria terra. Quando você enfraquece a terra assim, ela começa a morrer. Se a terra morrer, se a nossa Terra morrer, nenhum de nós será capaz de viver e também morreremos.” – cacique Raoni Metuktire

Foto: Destruição por minas de ouro na floresta amazônica
“Garimpeiros destroem a floresta” – desenho no papel – Wacayowë Yanomami


Até 75% do ouro extraído a cada ano é usado para joias, relógios e outros símbolos de status vãos e fúteis vendidos pela Cartier e outras empresas na indústria de luxo, bem como varejistas de desconto em todo o mundo.

Dezenas de milhares de árvores da floresta tropical têm que ser arrancadas, centenas de toneladas de solo extraídas e misturadas com dezenas de toneladas de poluentes ambientais tóxicos que contaminam as terras nativas para aquele anel dourado especial …

E, por favor, dê presentes que não destruam a natureza e a vida dos povos indígenas!

Foto: Ricardo Stuckert « série Índios Brasileiros » 

Veja também este filme de 48 segundos da instalação leve “A Luta dos Xamãs Yanomami Contra a Fumaça das epidemias Xawara” incluído aqui:

A EXPOSIÇÃO ESTÁ ESTENDIDA – “Pas de Cartier!” – Os Yanomami e as árvores – Mineração de ouro e ouro de luxo / COVID-19 disseminada pelos garimpeiros … agora até 12 de novembro de 2021

About Barbara Crane Navarro - Rainforest Art Project

I'm a French artist living near Paris. From 1968 to 1973 I studied at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island, then at the San Francisco Art Institute in San Francisco, California, for my BFA. My work for many decades has been informed and inspired by time spent with indigenous communities. Various study trips devoted to the exploration of techniques and natural pigments took me originally to the Dogon of Mali, West Africa, and subsequently to Yanomami communities in Venezuela and Brazil. Over many years, during the winters, I studied the techniques of traditional Bogolan painting. Hand woven fabric is dyed with boiled bark from the Wolo tree or crushed leaves from other trees, then painted with mud from the Niger river which oxidizes in contact with the dye. Through the Dogon and the Yanomami, my interest in the multiplicity of techniques and supports for aesthetic expression influenced my artistic practice. The voyages to the Amazon Rainforest have informed several series of paintings created while living among the Yanomami. The support used is roughly woven canvas prepared with acrylic medium then textured with a mixture of sand from the river bank and lava. This supple canvas is then rolled and transported on expeditions into the forest. They are then painted using a mixture of acrylic colors and Achiote and Genipap, the vegetal pigments used by the Yanomami for their ritual body paintings and on practical and shamanic implements. My concern for the ongoing devastation of the Amazon Rainforest has inspired my films and installation projects. Since 2005, I've created a perfomance and film project - Fire Sculpture - to bring urgent attention to Rainforest issues. To protest against the continuing destruction, I've publicly set fire to my totemic sculptures. These burning sculptures symbolize the degradation of nature and the annihilation of indigenous cultures that depend on the forest for their survival.
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7 Responses to “Quando você corta as árvores, agride os espíritos de nossos ancestrais. Ao procurar minerais, você perfura o coração da Terra…”

  1. nedhamson says:

    Reblogged this on Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News and commented:
    Destruction of gold mining in the Amazon rainforest – “When you cut down the trees, attack the spirits of our ancestors. When looking for minerals, you pierce the heart of the Earth… ”

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  2. carlamilho says:

    Hello, I would like to invite you to follow my blog too, thank you so much and I wish you much success 🤗🌹

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