New 1:39 film on TikTok! – Cartier accused of Greenwashing after using images of Indigenous Yanomami tribe devastated by illegal gold mining without their permission!

This frame, which was removed from Cartier’s website, features an image of four Yanomami children playing in a lush green field while at the top of the page are links to purchase high-end jewelry. The French luxury jewelry brand said it was working to promote the culture of the Indigenous people and protect the rainforest. But the project that the site described never took place, and Cartier took down the photo when contacted by The Associated Press. (Cartier via AP)

Fabiano Maisonnave wrote a thorough overview of the important issue of corporate greenwashing and the informed consent of Indigenous peoples.

I didn’t realize until I read the AP article by Fabiano Maisonnave that using Indigenous images for publicity without informed consent is not only unethical but, in Brazil, illegal! 

Cartier’s use of images of Amazon tribe prompts Indigenous advocates to allege hypocrisy!

Dário Kopenawa, vice-president of the Hutukara Yanomami Association, said he believes that, ‘anyone who buys a gold ring is part of the crime.’

This image provided by Barbara Navarro shows her artwork depicting a Cartier shop, a photo of gold mining destruction and a Cartier ring. (Barbara Navarro via AP)

Júnior Hekurari Yanomami and his son – photo: Júnior Hekurari Yanomami

Júnior Hekurari, a member of the Indigenous group and head of the Yanomami’s health council says: ‘How can a gold jewelry company, which we, the Yanomami people, are against, use the image of the Yanomami?

When someone buys gold in a jewelry store, he is financing more invasions to destroy Indigenous lands’ he said. ‘It is not just a matter of extracting gold. It is a matter of reaping lives.'”   

About Barbara Crane Navarro - Rainforest Art Project

I'm a French artist living near Paris. From 1968 to 1973 I studied at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island, then at the San Francisco Art Institute in San Francisco, California, for my BFA. My work for many decades has been informed and inspired by time spent with indigenous communities. Various study trips devoted to the exploration of techniques and natural pigments took me originally to the Dogon of Mali, West Africa, and subsequently to Yanomami communities in Venezuela and Brazil. Over many years, during the winters, I studied the techniques of traditional Bogolan painting. Hand woven fabric is dyed with boiled bark from the Wolo tree or crushed leaves from other trees, then painted with mud from the Niger river which oxidizes in contact with the dye. Through the Dogon and the Yanomami, my interest in the multiplicity of techniques and supports for aesthetic expression influenced my artistic practice. The voyages to the Amazon Rainforest have informed several series of paintings created while living among the Yanomami. The support used is roughly woven canvas prepared with acrylic medium then textured with a mixture of sand from the river bank and lava. This supple canvas is then rolled and transported on expeditions into the forest. They are then painted using a mixture of acrylic colors and Achiote and Genipap, the vegetal pigments used by the Yanomami for their ritual body paintings and on practical and shamanic implements. My concern for the ongoing devastation of the Amazon Rainforest has inspired my films and installation projects. Since 2005, I've created a perfomance and film project - Fire Sculpture - to bring urgent attention to Rainforest issues. To protest against the continuing destruction, I've publicly set fire to my totemic sculptures. These burning sculptures symbolize the degradation of nature and the annihilation of indigenous cultures that depend on the forest for their survival.
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82 Responses to New 1:39 film on TikTok! – Cartier accused of Greenwashing after using images of Indigenous Yanomami tribe devastated by illegal gold mining without their permission!

  1. Pingback: O uso da tribo amazônica pelo comerciante de ouro Cartier leva os defensores Indígenas a alegar hipocrisia! Os Yanomami dizem: “Como pode uma empresa de ourivesaria, contra a qual nós Yanomami nos opomos, usar a imagem dos Yanomami?” & !

  2. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

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  5. Pingback: L’uso non autorizzato di immagini di una tribù amazzonica sul sito web di Cartier ha suscitato forti critiche! Gli Yanomami dicono: “Come può un’azienda di gioielli d’oro, contro la quale noi Yanomami ci opponiamo, usare l’imma

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  7. Pingback: L’utilisation de la tribu amazonienne par le marchand d’or Cartier incite les défenseurs autochtones à alléguer l’hypocrisie ! Les Yanomami disent : “Comment une entreprise de bijoux en or, contre laquelle nous, les Yanomami, so

  8. Pingback: L’utilisation de la tribu amazonienne par le marchand d’or Cartier incite les défenseurs autochtones à alléguer l’hypocrisie ! Les Yanomami disent : “Comment une entreprise de bijoux en or, contre laquelle nous, les Yanomami, so

  9. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

  10. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

  11. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

  12. Pingback: L’uso non autorizzato di immagini di una tribù amazzonica sul sito web di Cartier ha suscitato forti critiche! Gli Yanomami dicono: “Come può un’azienda di gioielli d’oro, contro la quale noi Yanomami ci opponiamo, usare l’imma

  13. Pingback: L’uso non autorizzato di immagini di una tribù amazzonica sul sito web di Cartier ha suscitato forti critiche! Gli Yanomami dicono: “Come può un’azienda di gioielli d’oro, contro la quale noi Yanomami ci opponiamo, usare l’imma

  14. Pingback: L’uso non autorizzato di immagini di una tribù amazzonica sul sito web di Cartier ha suscitato forti critiche! Gli Yanomami dicono: “Come può un’azienda di gioielli d’oro, contro la quale noi Yanomami ci opponiamo, usare l’imma

  15. Pingback: L’uso non autorizzato di immagini di una tribù amazzonica sul sito web di Cartier ha suscitato forti critiche! Gli Yanomami dicono: “Come può un’azienda di gioielli d’oro, contro la quale noi Yanomami ci opponiamo, usare l’imma

  16. Pingback: La tribu amazonienne affichée sur le site Cartier se rebelle ! L’or continue de faire des ravages en Amazonie ! Les Yanomami disent : “Comment une entreprise de bijoux en or, contre laquelle nous, les Yanomami, sommes opposés, peut-elle utiliser

  17. Pingback: Gold merchant Cartier’s use of Amazon tribe prompts Indigenous advocates to allege hypocrisy! Yanomami say: “How can a gold jewelry company, which we Yanomami people are against, use the image of the Yanomami?” & “Anyone who bu

  18. Pingback: Gold merchant Cartier’s use of Amazon tribe prompts Indigenous advocates to allege hypocrisy! Yanomami say: “How can a gold jewelry company, which we Yanomami people are against, use the image of the Yanomami?” & “Anyone who bu

  19. Pingback: La tribu amazonienne affichée sur le site Cartier se rebelle ! L’or continue de faire des ravages en Amazonie ! Les Yanomami disent : “Comment une entreprise de bijoux en or, contre laquelle nous, les Yanomami, sommes opposés, peut-elle utiliser

  20. Pingback: O uso da tribo amazônica pelo comerciante de ouro Cartier leva os defensores Indígenas a alegar hipocrisia! Os Yanomami dizem: “Como pode uma empresa de ouro, contra a qual nós Yanomami nos opomos, usar a imagem dos Yanomami?” & “Quem

  21. Pingback: O uso da tribo amazônica pelo comerciante de ouro Cartier leva os defensores Indígenas a alegar hipocrisia! Os Yanomami dizem: “Como pode uma empresa de ouro, contra a qual nós Yanomami nos opomos, usar a imagem dos Yanomami?” & “Quem

  22. Pingback: O uso da tribo amazônica pelo comerciante de ouro Cartier leva os defensores Indígenas a alegar hipocrisia! Os Yanomami dizem: “Como pode uma empresa de ouro, contra a qual nós Yanomami nos opomos, usar a imagem dos Yanomami?” & “Quem

  23. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

  24. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

  25. Pingback: “Cartier utiliza imágenes de la tribu amazónica devastada por la minería ilegal de oro. Los críticos lo llaman hipocresía” Los Yanomami dicen: “¿Cómo una empresa de joyería, a la que nos oponemos los Yanomami, puede usar la imagen de

  26. Pingback: L’uso non autorizzato di immagini di una tribù amazzonica sul sito web di Cartier ha suscitato forti critiche! Gli Yanomami dicono: “Come può un’azienda di gioielli d’oro, contro la quale noi Yanomami ci opponiamo, usare l’imma

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