Legal Gold and Illegal Gold – If Barrick Gold Corporation or wildcat prospectors were digging for gold in your back yard and contaminating your only source of water with cyanure or mercury, would you still decorate yourself with gold jewelry, watches and accessories?

Right to Life over legal gold profits !

Right to Life over illegal gold profits !

Is this you?

Nothing says “I love you” like… 20 tonnes of mining waste?! That’s how much waste rock is dug up and discarded to produce the amount of gold in a single ring! 

Have we become individuals so utterly manipulated by marketing, reduced to only our consumerist function,? Are we just shoppers – eager to buy and consume anything and everything, compulsively, frantically, ostentatiously – without any consideration of the consequences of our choices?

The legal gold mining industry wants you to think that gold is an important mineral for clean energy and technological devices. But the reality is that 92% of gold produced annually is used for jewelry and investments (i.e., to sit in bank vaults). 

Why is mining gold one of the world’s most destructive industries? This short documentary from Deutsche Welle looks at gold’s “value” in society and how mining this “precious” mineral is one of the most destructive industries in the world.

The dark truth behind your jewelry:

The Amazon forest before deforestation

Indigenous peoples use the water in the rivers and streams in their ancestral territories for drinking, cooking, bathing and fishing.

Legal Gold mining: The environmental impact of Barrick Gold and other corporations in the gold industry is devastating. Indigenous children and their families are poisoned by cyanure because of legal gold mining in their territory.

Illegal Gold mining: The environmental impact of illegal gold mining is devastating. Indigenous children and their families are dying from malnutrition and mercury poisoning because of illegal gold mining in their territory.

That’s a lot of negative impacts for a luxury item!

Gold mining and other extractive industries contaminate the water, poisoning people, wildlife and the soil.

Gold mining site contaminating Indigenous lands with mercury

Please help Indigenous peoples, Nature and wildlife by boycotting all products from deforestation; gold, palm oil, gemstones, exotic wood, soy, beef, etc.!

We need to reconsider our relationship with all of the living world and no longer think like consumers in an economy but recognize that we are organisms in an ecosystem.

How are you being manipulated by the gold and diamond jewelry, watches and accessories industry? The more you know, the less gold glows!

Please read about that here:

The GENOCIDE of the YANOMAMI and the DEATH of NATURE for Gold and Diamond Merchandise – The ART of GREENWASHING by the MERCHANTS of GOLD – in their own words – 2024!

About Barbara Crane Navarro - Rainforest Art Project

I'm a French artist living near Paris. From 1968 to 1973 I studied at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island, then at the San Francisco Art Institute in San Francisco, California, for my BFA. My work for many decades has been informed and inspired by time spent with indigenous communities. Various study trips devoted to the exploration of techniques and natural pigments took me originally to the Dogon of Mali, West Africa, and subsequently to Yanomami communities in Venezuela and Brazil. Over many years, during the winters, I studied the techniques of traditional Bogolan painting. Hand woven fabric is dyed with boiled bark from the Wolo tree or crushed leaves from other trees, then painted with mud from the Niger river which oxidizes in contact with the dye. Through the Dogon and the Yanomami, my interest in the multiplicity of techniques and supports for aesthetic expression influenced my artistic practice. The voyages to the Amazon Rainforest have informed several series of paintings created while living among the Yanomami. The support used is roughly woven canvas prepared with acrylic medium then textured with a mixture of sand from the river bank and lava. This supple canvas is then rolled and transported on expeditions into the forest. They are then painted using a mixture of acrylic colors and Achiote and Genipap, the vegetal pigments used by the Yanomami for their ritual body paintings and on practical and shamanic implements. My concern for the ongoing devastation of the Amazon Rainforest has inspired my films and installation projects. Since 2005, I've created a perfomance and film project - Fire Sculpture - to bring urgent attention to Rainforest issues. To protest against the continuing destruction, I've publicly set fire to my totemic sculptures. These burning sculptures symbolize the degradation of nature and the annihilation of indigenous cultures that depend on the forest for their survival.
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1 Response to Legal Gold and Illegal Gold – If Barrick Gold Corporation or wildcat prospectors were digging for gold in your back yard and contaminating your only source of water with cyanure or mercury, would you still decorate yourself with gold jewelry, watches and accessories?

  1. Pingback: Legal Gold and Illegal Gold – If Barrick Gold Corporation or wildcat prospectors were digging for gold in your back yard and contaminating your only … | Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News

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